EDF 2025 - Tickets on sale NOW!!

Trader Applications

Trading Applications For EDF2025 are now OPEN.

Contact: Fraser@edffestival.com

Conditions of Trading

The Eilean Dorcha Festival (hereafter known as The Festival) grants the Trader the licence to trade at the Eilean Dorcha Festival on the following terms and conditions.  


Any violation of these terms and conditions will render the Licence null and void, and in the event The Festival reserves the right to remove the Trader and any of their possessions from the festival grounds without compensation or refund of Licence fee.  

Trading Space – the agreed pitch will be allocated to you on arrival, maximum depth 6ft and maximum width of 8ft.  All monies due must be paid prior to the festival and you will be issued an invoice.

Trading Times – Trading Times suggested are as follows Friday 25th July and Saturday 26th July 2pm  – 9pm. Food vendors may stay open until closing time.  

Setting up & Taking Down – Access to the site will be available from 8am on the 24th July. Setting up must be completed by 11am on Friday and Saturday. No trader should withdraw from the site prior to its close at 12am. The earliest breakdown time is 9pm.      

Vehicle Access/Delivery of Stock – Access is available from 8am – Noon for deliveries which must be arranged with the site manager.  We reserve the right to restrict vehicle access further if ground conditions dictate.  At all other times, vehicles must be removed from the site. Details of parking options will be advised at the time.  

Goods Sold – The traders may only sell the goods specified in their application.  Any changes to the application must be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the festival.  

Insurance of Stock – The trader is responsible for insuring their stock.  The Festival assumes no responsibility for theft or breakages.  

Public Liability Insurance and Risk Assessment -  The trader will not be permitted on site if The Festival has not received a copy of The trader’s Risk Assessment and Public Liability Insurance certificate for £1,000,000 (minimum in advance). If the policy expires between the date of the trader's application and the date of the festival, please send an existing copy and a copy of the new policy as soon as available.

Wristbands – Two traders wristbands (not interchangeable under any circumstances) will be issued on arrival at the festival. Any additional personnel arriving with the trader may purchase a ticket with this application. (subject to availability)  

Accommodation – Camping is not permitted on the Festival site.  Information on accommodation is available from the FAQ section of the Festival website.  

Recycling and Rubbish – All recyclable and non-recyclable waste is to be separated by Traders and disposed of in line with the Waste Management plan for the main site.  Strictly no rubbish is to be left on clearance of site.  

Trading Restrictions – Traders may not sell alcohol in any form, herbal highs, tobacco products, banned substances, pornographic, obscene or blasphemous material, disposable barbecues, or any form of flammable equipment, music-related recorded material (eg CDs, cassettes, videos, DVDs), any goods including clothing that reproduces the EDF logo without prior written consent or any unofficial merchandising product, body art, bubble products, fireworks, Chinese candle lanterns, Nitrous Oxide Canisters, Lasers, ‘cap bombs’ lethal, real replica or toy weapons.  The Festival reserves the right to demand the removal from sale any item deemed unsuitable for a family friendly festival without paying any compensation to the trader.    

Security and Losses – The Festival employs a professional 24 hour security company, but can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to traders equipment, merchandise or personal belongings.  Traders acknowledge that the Festival or any of their designated employees and or stewards are not responsible or hold any liability for any financial losses incurred by the trader, or any loss or damage of their equipment, goods or personal Belongings, or personal injury working for or connected to them.

Noise – No public address equipment, radios, tape recorders, generators or amplified musical instruments are permitted on any unit.  

Dogs/Pets – Dogs are not permitted on site with the sole exception of Registered Guide Dogs

Agreement – Traders agree to abide by the above clauses and indemnify The Festival and its designation employees against any claim, loss or liability arising from a breach of the above clauses/regulations.  

The Organisers reserve the right to remove any trader whose stand does not reach the required standard or does not comply with these or any other terms and conditions

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